A solid range of heavy duty products for industrial usage, from Non Toxic Simple Green Original which is exempt from EPA special handling to Extreme Simple Green, a breakthrough product which cleans and degreases without corrosive chemicals.
Brexit has led to us sourcing directly from the USA. Container sizes are in US gallon and oz sizes but also quoted in litres. The industrial sizes are: 1 Gallon/3.7L, 2.5 Gallons/9.46L and 55 Gallons/208L.
Contact us directly for prices and availability
Completed orders received by 12:00 are shipped the same day for next working day delivery however please nbot that due to courier capacity issues brought on by Covid restrictions this could be 1-2 days.
*These formulas are orally non-toxic per The Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals and readily biodegradable per OECD 301D.
Simple Green Original All-Purpose Cleaner
Simple Green CRYSTAL Industrial Cleaner Concentrate
Simple Green® Extreme Aviation Cleaner & Heavy Duty Degreaser
Note: We take every effort to reduce packaging and we reuse card and plastic wherever possible. As our products are liquid and fragile it is important that they are well protected as well as being light to avoid excessive shipping fees.